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Hohoho!!! I'm the bad guy!
This official Lancer plush, designed by Saber Murphy, is about 22,9 centimeters tall when seated. (Bike that's on fire not included.)
This collector's plush is recommended for ages 12+
All orders ship from the Netherlands for a flat €5.
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6 reviews
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would die without him
didnt know i needed lancer real life plush version in my life. now i cant live without him
Verified Buyer
lil blu bb
I luv thus lil blu beby
Verified Buyer
lancer deltarune is life lancer deltarune is love
i love him i got him with my christmas money he's so cool and awesome i love him a lot like so much that i would KILL MILLIONS if not BILLIONS for him, he's the best of the best, he did steal a few trillions from the US government tho...but he's forgiven because he's lencar deltaren!! i bring him with me everywhere and by everywhere i MEAN everywhere. at school, at after-school english classes, anywhere! if i have a backpack on my bag, you bet he's gonna be in it. he's my son that i cherish with my soul. lancer is amazing.
Verified Buyer
Heart replenished
And it was the mighty Lancer who replenished it. How, you may ask?Let me tell you a story. Back when I was but a young lass, there was nought that I craved more in my life than a plush toy of a Generation 3 My Little Pony character resembling a newborn human child in a sitting position. I craved being its mother dearest - caring for it and caressing it as if it is my own kin. But alas, within the day my most sacred wish was fulfilled, a hooligan who shall not be named snatched it and the plush had not been seen since that very day, rendering my heart hollow... Until now. A plush toy resembling a human child in a sitting position of a character from a franchise most beloved by me? And of such immaculate quality, too? Oh, how lovely, how darling! From now on, I shall care for him like a mother cares her for her young. I shall tuck him into bed as I tell him tales of Light and Dark, of Hopes and Dreams. I shall listen to his MP3s until my ears ache. I shall hold him in my arms without ever letting go. You have earned my upmost respect and gratitude, Fangamer - Arrival in just 12 days, no defects aside from a minor stitching issue on top of the boy's head - nothing even an amateur seamstress cannot fix.